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Kris' Real Estate Mentoring?


I based my entire original portfolio on this strategy and 4½ years later I had 25 properties producing my first six-figure residual income.

I quit my job and never looked back. This original portfolio would turn into hundreds of homes and has been the financial backing for all my success and passions.

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magnetic Megaprenuer 
Unlock your power and potential AND DOMINATE YOUR LIFE!
Discover the strategy I used to:
  • Double My Income
  • Double My Energy
  • Double My Certainty
  • ​Crush My Disempowering Beliefs
  • ​Enhance My Attraction
when I had nothing!
Let me share how I Discovered the Best Strategy, how it Created Financial Freedom, incredible energy and an incredible lifestyle for me so quickly and how you can Copycat my System to create greater success and happiness for yourself.
Turn yourself into a powerful, irresistible ATTRACTION MAGNET to your dreams, goals  and desires.
This Strategy takes the LEAST TIME, LEAST EFFORT, & gets the MOST RESULTS!
If you had a tool that you could use to eliminate or drastically reduce bad memories, negative emotions and doubts. What would you do with it?  What would you change that you know would Change your life.

Learn to think,  behave and, attract like a Mega Entrepreneur.

So you’ll do exactly what you need to do to literally double your effectiveness and create an unbelievable lifestyle, income, and energy.

Double your LIFE
I’ll also be sharing with you my top business secrets, which include:
  • How To Double Your Business
  • How To Double Your Income
  • ​How To Double Your Magnetism
  • ​How To Double your lifestyle
Change your beliefs about yourself, business, money and your ability to have the things that you want quickly.
Apply it to any and everything that you endeavor to do.  ANY industry, any endeavor, any program or course, The MAGNETIC MEGAPRENEUR process provides gives you the cutting edge, that enhances anything that you do.
Real estate investing
Network Marketing
Health and fitness
Information Marketing
Internet Marketing
Speakers & Presenters
Product Creators
Sales & Marketers
Online & Virtual Seminars & Workshops
Creating Happiness & Inner Peace
and More...
What if I told you that there was a life hack could take this complicated concept of
programming yourself…  so that no matter what you do… you kick ass.  And distill it down to just a few simple steps where I literally show you how to:
  • Double your income 
  • Double your energy
  • Double your certainty
  • Crush your disempowering beliefs
  • ​Enhance your attraction.
Imagine a life hack that could take the complicated concepts of programming yourself… so that no matter what you do… no matter where you are...YOU KICK ASS!  I take the most complex concepts of my strategy and distill it down to just a few simple steps and I literally show you how to DOUBLE your life!
I Call This Strategy
Magnetic Mega-Preneur!
The Magnetic Mega-Preneur system has been designed to take your life and DOUBLE DOWN your results. What if I told you, it was your turn to:
  • Double Your Income
  • Double Your Energy
  • Double Your Certainty
  • ​Crush Your Disempowering Beliefs
  • ​Enhance Your Attraction
Would you believe me?
I started with NOTHING and throughout the Magnetic Mega-Preneur process, I took my entire life and opened it up to the doubling down process. During this time I built a portfolio and success that most people only dream of. 
  • I bought 26 single family homes
  • Signed a recording deal with a major record company
  • Created a 6-figure income in network marketing
  • ​Became a bestselling author
  • ​Became an ultimate performance coach and a highly sought-after public speaker
And the best part is… I have taught thousands of others to crush it in their chosen fields.
Now it's your turn! It is YOUR time to take control of your life and be the best version of you! 
I have taught thousands to LIVE the lives of their DREAMS... 
 And NOW it's your turn!
Dear Future Mega-Prenuer,
I'm sure you're well aware of those "special people" that appear to lead charmed lives...

The ball always tends to bounce in their favor; they seem luckier than everyone else...

They always manage to be in the right place at the right time, and life appears measurably easier for them with much, much less effort...

It wouldn’t surprise you to find out that these few individuals have something unique about them, something that sets them apart from the vast majority...

Knowingly or unknowingly, this element is applied to their lives resulting in a seemingly blessed existence...
All of us were born to do great things, but few do simply because they don’t know how to harness the awesome power of their mind, spirit, and body. Now, I am going to show you how to dramatically magnify your God-given skill to the point that you become a virtual magnet for success, and together we are going to do it and create results in real-time.
It’s no longer just conjecture, theory, or metaphysical cosmic hearsay. It’s not a “secret” or something reserved for kings and queens. It’s real, hard-core, tangible, teachable science. It’s an exciting skill set that produces results. 
I will provide you with the tools, the skills and the process to bring out the driver of your soul and give you the keys... but you've got to start the damn thing and drive it.

It’s not a secret, it’s not magic… It’s a process backed by science.

We have taken the immutable laws of manifestation and attraction and combined them with the hard facts of physics and neuro-science to uncover a duplicatable process that produces measurable results both physically and emotionally.

You possess a powerful skill that has been hidden for far too long...
What Experts Are Saying About Joseph...
What Experts Are Saying About Joseph...
"Over our twenty five years of being able to work together. He is the guy that I hand the ball to in some really key places. So delight yourself with the insights of Joseph McClendon III" 
- Tony Robbins - Life Coach
"Joseph McClendon III is hands-down one of the most inspiring, entertaining, energetic and congruent speakers and coaches I’ve ever witnessed. He walks his talk and talks his walk. If you ever get a chance to work with Joseph, do it!"
- Tanika Ray - “Extra” TV Host 
"The impact of learning from this man is incredible, he helps bring out your inner superpowers. You come away feeling you can conquer the world! Simply Amazing!"
- Steven “Master” Co 
"If you ever get a chance to work with Joseph
McClendon, jump at it!"

- Dean Graziozi - Real Estate Expert
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Mega-Preneur Pro: $997
(1 year access)
  • Mega-Prenuer Training Course
  • ​Mega-Prenuer Manual
  • Mega-Prenuer Private Facebook Community
  • Bonus: 2 Tickets to "Event 1" and "Event 2" - ($6,000 value)
Order before the webinar ends to receive these 3 Bonuses
  • Bonus #1: Joseph’s Private Mega-Preneur Community ($4,997 Value)
  • ​Bonus #2: Two Live Event Tickets ($2,993 Value)
  • Bonus #3: Self Certainty Master Class Accelerated course ($595 Value)
Don't miss this AMAZING offer!
“Kris’ real estate program has opened my eyes to so many possibilities! It has taught me...the best ways to make deals happen. I came into the program not knowing a thing about real estate, and within weeks I had a deal under contract.” 
- Chevelle C.
“We have purchased 2 homes! Our most enjoyable part has been the great support and help the team has offered.” 
- Kelly H.
“A job at the County and a good credit score were all we started out with. We have purchased two rental properties and have had a wonderful experience. We plan to purchase more and continue our working relationship with the team.”
- Gregor & Barbara D.
Persons Name
This is a cool quote that is going to reinforce how awesome your product or service is and how it works like nothing anyone has ever seen!
Persons Name
This is a cool quote that is going to reinforce how awesome your product or service is and how it works like nothing anyone has ever seen!

Cool Person 1

This is a cool quote that is going to reinforce how awesome your product or service is and how it works like nothing anyone has ever seen!

Cool Person 2

This is a cool quote that is going to reinforce how awesome your product or service is and how it works like nothing anyone has ever seen!

Cool Person 3

This is a cool quote that is going to reinforce how awesome your product or service is and how it works like nothing anyone has ever seen!
I want to share with you my system to create greater I Discovered the Best Strategy, how it Created Financial Freedom, incredible energy and an incredible lifestyle for me so quickly and how you can Copycat my System to create greater success and happiness for yourself.
Turn yourself into a powerful, irresistible ATTRACTION MAGNET to your dreams, goals  and desires.
This Strategy takes the LEAST TIME, LEAST EFFORT, & gets the MOST RESULTS!
If you had a tool that you could use to eliminate or drastically reduce bad memories, negative emotions and doubts. What would you do with it?  What would you change that you know would Change your life.

Learn to think,  behave and, attract like a Mega Entrepreneur.

So you’ll do exactly what you need to do to literally double your effectiveness and create an unbelievable lifestyle, income, and energy.

Change your beliefs about yourself, business, money and your ability to have the things that you want quickly.
Apply it to any and everything that you endeavor to do.  ANY industry, any endeavor, any program or course, The MAGNETIC MEGAPRENEUR process provides gives you the cutting edge, that enhances anything that you do.
Real estate investing
Network Marketing
Health and fitness
Information Marketing
Internet Marketing
Speakers & Presenters
Product Creators
Sales & Marketers
Online & Virtual Seminars & Workshops
Creating Happiness & Inner Peace
and More...
  • Build Your Own Personal, Bullet proof mindset
  • Create And Install A Powerful Identity
  • Arrest And Replace Negative Emotions
  • ​Reduce/Eliminated Unresourceful Memories
  • ​Harness the power of directed inner dialogue
  • ​Magnetize yourself to your goals
  • ​Magnetize your goals to you
  • ​Create boundless energy
  • ​Master The Skills Of Deliberate Success Magnetization and Attraction
  • ​Discover The Steps To Create The Best Possible Version of Yourself Available
  • ​Discover Your Own Personal Drive. Harness It, Fortify It, and Reinstall It Into Your Nervous System
  • ​Create An Impenetrable Identity That Serves As A Powerful Foundation To Your Success
  • ​Learn How To Master The Mechanics Of Living A Further Faster Life

Mega-Preneur Pro: $997!

Mega-Preneur Pro: $997!

Everyone who attends this Dynamic program will get FREE INSTANT ACCESS to my $500 SELF CEERRTAINTY MASTER CLASS course—limited time offer!
The Magnetic Success Summit
The Magnetic Success Summit
Master The Amazing Laws of Deliberate Magnetic Attraction...
  • You will actively practice the systems and processes that Joseph McClendon III uses to transform the lives of millions worldwide.
  • Learn Joseph’s personal, simple, step-by-step fundamentals to create, attract and maintain the situations, circumstances, and even the material things into your life.
  • Witness, practice and demonstrate the process in real-time.
  • ​Schedule and assimilate the practice into your life and lifestyle to ensure ongoing success and abundance.
All in a fun, energizing and dynamic environment... Joseph McClendon III has brought together neurosciences, the immutable laws of magnetization and attraction, and 21st-century human change technology to usher in a new level of effectiveness to the game.
The Emotional Mechanics Experience...
You will discover how to rid yourself of the negative emotions and behaviors that get in your way.
Procrastination, hesitation, fear of failure, inhibitions, and complacency are all thieves of productivity and stand as barriers in our lives.

Immediately arrest your un-resourceful beliefs and behaviors and replace them with ones that serve you at the highest level.
  • Discover the S.T.O.P. technique to transform anything in your life permanently
  • Create an unquestioned and unstoppable self-certainty and identity that stands as the foundation of your amazing future.
  • Design the most powerful internal dialogue for yourself and embed it into your nervous system.
  • ​Have complete certainty and confidence in life
  • ​Discover exactly what it is that stops you or slows you down
  • ​Learn how to control your emotions so nothing stands in your way of success.
  • ​Develop internal self-love, acknowledgment, and acceptance and embed it into your nervous system so that it becomes a natural extension of WHO YOU ARE.
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© 2020 Joseph McClendon III. All rights reserved.
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